["COMPL": ["Completing the 'Legal Revolution'", [823, 1104, 1310, 1580]], "CONS": ["Consolidating Power", [72, 1104, 1324, 1596, 1601]], "EMER": ["Emergency Decrees", [206, 1104, 1591, 1596, 1599]], "GLEFE": ["Gleichschaltung in the Federal States", [807, 1580]], "GLEI": ["Gleichschaltung", [823, 1340, 1580]], "GLEIB": ["Gleichschaltung (cont)", [807, 1094, 1128, 1147, 1582, 1585, 1587]], "LIQ": ["Liquidation of Political Parties", [206, 657, 1066, 1552, 1557, 1558, 1591, 1601]], "MARCH": ["The March 1933 Elections", [72, 75, 832, 1147, 1591, 1599]], "SEIZURE": ["The Appointment of Hitler", [72, 769, 1599, 1601]], "TERR": ["Terror", [206, 657, 1551, 1557, 1598]], "THAL": ["Reign of Fear in Thalburg", [206, 657, 1551, 1557, 1598]]]